Submissions for issue 75.2 are now closed. Submissions for issue 75.3 will open shortly.
Keep an eye on our website and instagram @icarustcd for the opening of submissions for issue 75.3. In the meantime, you can read our submission guidelines below.
We publish the work of currently enrolled students (undergraduate or postgraduate) as well as staff and alumni.
Up to six pages of previously unpublished writing must be attached as word or pdf documents. We will accept more than 6 pages of short stories, but each short story itself has to be under six pages. (For instance, you could submit a document of 1o pages with one four page story and one six page story.)
Please separate all poems onto separate pages within a single document.
Written work should be in a legible font no smaller than 11pt.
We accept submissions of original photography and visual artwork of all kinds at a maximum of six pieces. Icarus prints in A5, so your files are preferably at a resolution of 2480 x 1748 pixels or greater.
We accept submissions of multimedia artwork, including audio and video. Please send the files to us directly or link us to them via the submissions form — for archival purposes, QR codes generated before the print layout is being designed aren’t usable.
Our editing process is entirely anonymous, so please do not include your name anywhere on your submitted files.
Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but do let us know as soon as possible if your piece is accepted elsewhere.
Please attach a content note to any highly sensitive work you contribute—editors are people too. It’s best to err on the side of caution with this one. If we accept the piece and think it needs a content note in the magazine, we’ll have a chat with you about that.
If you’re having any trouble with the submissions manager, reach out to us at:
A note:
Icarus is a tolerant space. It's your home, but it's ours too. It belongs to everyone who writes for it and everyone who reads it—all these people deserve to feel safe.
In service of this, Icarus will accept absolutely no: racism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, ableism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, fat-shaming, or “ironic” renditions of any of the above.
If you submit something along these lines, we won't accept it, and we don’t want to see it, so please don't.